Thursday, April 12, 2012

Over the Road (OTR) Trucking Jobs

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Home CDL Info How to Get Trucking Jobs Types of Trucking Jobs Over the Road (OTR) Trucking Jobs Jobs In Trucking Thursday, November 10. 2011 Over the Road (OTR) Trucking Jobs OTR truck driving jobs are not for people interested in 9 to 5 jobs which allow for them to return home on a nightly basis. OTR trucking jobs can be very demanding both physically and emotionally. These truck driving jobs require hard work and determination, but at the end of the day, the great salary makes the job well worth the effort.

OTR truck driving jobs require the driver to drive trucks for long distances, meaning that he may be away from your home for an extended period of time. This is the most common type of job available in the transport industry, and it is typically the starting point of many drivers. There are some OTR drivers who have covered all 48 continental US states as well as Mexico and Canada. These drivers may be away from home for as long as six weeks at a time. Of course, OTR drivers are not required to be on the road for such an extended period of time, but they will earn a lot more money if they are willing to work these difficult schedules.

A driver will always be rewarded for the sacrifice that he puts into this type of job. A majority of the people involved in this type of truck driving earn more than $55,000 per year, excluding medical benefits and all other bonuses. To have an idea of how profitable OTR trucking jobs are, take a look at this simple calculation. Assuming that a driver is working for 60 hours a week, which is very common, and he covered an average of 100,000 miles per year, your annual salary would be as follows:

60 hours a week X 52 weeks = 3120 hours a year
Optimistic level - $55,000/3120 = $17.63 per hour
Pessimistic level - $35,000/3120 = $11.22 per hour

In the first few weeks of starting OTR truck jobs, most people always find it difficult to adapt to the new system. However, with time this schedule and lifestyle becomes very interesting. To these drivers, the jobs have become part of a lifestyle that is full of fun. OTR drivers are usually referred to as professional tourists because they have the opportunity to visit different parts of the country, meet new people every day, and eat great food while having their bank accounts increasing due to the thousands of dollars they earn each month.

For an OTR truck driver, the permanent place of residence is always an important thing to consider because he may discover that he is paying for an apartment without really making use of it, especially if he is not yet married. Some other good things that an OTR driver can enjoy is that his company may give him permission to take his truck home. If someone proves to be a good, reliable driver, and he is not a troublemaker, he may even be allowed to use the truck as a personal vehicle when at home. This could replace the need for a car even at home. Therefore, over-the-road jobs can really help you in life.
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moiz said...

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