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Home CDL Info How to Get Trucking Jobs Types of Trucking Jobs Flatbed Trucking Jobs Jobs In Trucking Thursday, November 10. 2011 Flatbed Trucking Jobs Flatbed trucking jobs are considered by many drivers to be one of the most difficult jobs in the transportation industry. However, with persistence and the proper training, a flatbed truck driver will certainly appreciate the specialization offered with this career. Flatbed truck driving jobs offer a wonderful opportunity for employment as they are among the fastest growing branch in the transportation industry.
A flatbed truck is a very powerful vehicle that pulls a long, flat trailer with no top or sides. It is used in the hauling of cargo that is awkwardly shaped or too large to be put in an enclosed trailer. The cargo carried is not susceptible to bad weather conditions, and it is generally restrained by chains and large straps and covered by a tarp. Some of the items that are typically carried in flatbed trucking are construction equipment, lumber (processed or raw), or extremely large pieces of machinery.
An understanding of the items being transported should provide a truck driver with an understanding of the importance of flatbed truck driving jobs. The odd shapes and massive weight of the loads require a highly experienced driver behind the wheel. A flatbed driver must be experienced and ensure that his freight is always secure, because a small slip-up in poor weather could result in massive damages to equipment, himself, or to other drivers. A flatbed driver should also expect to consistently drive long routes. Many times these routes will even take the driver to neighboring countries like Canada or Mexico. The long hours will put additional stress on the driver, so he must be in the right mindset to handle the pressures involved in this vital sector of the trucking industry.
A driver who is interested in flatbed trucking jobs, should consider the following:
He must have significant experience in other branches of trucking before making the transition into flatbed hauling. This is a major requirement for flatbed trucking companies. It is virtually impossible for a driver to start his career driving a flatbed truck, but once he has some experience under his belt, these jobs can be easily attained.
Flatbed truck driving jobs will require several months of training. A driver will be taught how to secure and load large pieces of equipment, in addition to driving a heavy flatbed truck. This training is vital to ensure the safety of the equipment, the truck driver, and other drivers on the road.
A driver must have a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) to apply to become a flatbed truck driver. There are many privately run trucking schools which will help drivers learn the material required to pass the CDL test and help them find jobs. Even after passing the CDL exam, a driver still needs time and experience before a company will entrust him with a flatbed truck.
To land one of these jobs, a driver must have a good truck driving history. A bad record of traffic offences or accidents will result in companies not entrusting a driver with such strong responsibilities. Some flatbed companies are so determined to only have the best drivers that they will not even hire a driver who has been in an accident that was not his fault. If a driver wants to obtain one of these truck driving jobs, he must keep an impeccably clean driving record.
A driver also needs to fully understand the different regulations for every state in which he will be driving. Most states in the US have different regulations concerning freight, truck, time, and speed. Expert knowledge of all these things can help a driver maintain a clean driving record and ensure that he is capable of obtaining one of these competitive jobs.
A great strategy to help a driver find a flatbed driving job is to join the trucking association or board in his state. This will show strong initiative and help the truck driver network among other professionals in the transportation industry who can help the driver find jobs.
Flatbed truck driving jobs are widely available for qualified drivers and require more responsibility than other driving jobs, but the rewards coincide with the responsibilities. These jobs may be strenuous and require extensive training, but with dedication and a safe driving record, these jobs can be fairly easily attained. Trackbacks Trackback specific URI for this entry No Trackbacks Comments Display comments as (Linear | Threaded) No comments Add Comment Name Email Homepage In reply to [ Top level ] Comment Enclosing asterisks marks text as bold (*word*), underscore are made via _word_.Standard emoticons like :-) and ;-) are converted to images.
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