Sunday, March 25, 2012

Types of Driving Jobs

Home CDL Info How to Get Trucking Jobs Types of Trucking Jobs Types of Driving Jobs Jobs In Trucking Thursday, November 10. 2011 Types of Driving Jobs There are different types of driving jobs in the transportation industry, each requiring different levels of skill to handle each class of vehicle. Though advancements in technology in communication through cellular phones and the internet has made it possible for people to share information between one another without the need to physically transport themselves, it is still necessary for physical goods to be transported using motor vehicles. This is where the services of truck drivers come in, and it is still necessary to understand the different jobs that are available in this field, especially if a driver is interested in being part of the system.

These are some of the popular types of driving jobs:

Pick-up and Delivery (P&D)- Truck drivers operate heavy, medium or light trucks and work in pick-up and delivery or route-sales operations. The drivers have constant contact with customers. In most cases, it is required for the driver to have some skills in sales and marketing.
Hazardous Materials Drivers- This is a driving job that requires the transportation of materials that can be very dangerous if they are not properly handled. The driver will require additional training to be involved in this field. He is going to be taught the necessary things on how to properly handle the materials and what to do during emergency.
Long-Haul/Over the Road Drivers- This is a driving job that requires operating heavy trucks and driving for long periods, especially from one state to another or from one country to another country, especially in the case of between US and Canada. The job is very demanding, as a driver may be required to spend many days away from his home and family. To reduce the burden of being lonely, some drivers may even work in teams with a member of the family, such as his wife.
Specialized Trucking- This driving job requires a driver to handle trucks containing sensitive, oversized, or unusual items. It also involves traveling to long-distant locations. Some examples of the trucking are dry bulk carriers, auto carriers, (permitted) oversized and overweight loads, or triple and double trailers.
Construction Site Driving Job- This driving job requires the driver to handle big construction vehicles that are used on construction sites. He will be required to handle vehicles such as bulldozers, dump trucks, front loaders, backhoes/excavators and cranes. This job requires a special permit and training to handle the different materials that you will be moving from one location to another.

Many opportunities exist for truck drivers from small cities to big ones, and if a driver is doing his research properly, he will always come across different types of driving jobs that require the handling of different types of vehicles. Trackbacks Trackback specific URI for this entry No Trackbacks Comments Display comments as (Linear | Threaded) No comments Add Comment Name Email Homepage In reply to [ Top level ] Comment Enclosing asterisks marks text as bold (*word*), underscore are made via _word_.Standard emoticons like :-) and ;-) are converted to images.
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