Thursday, November 14, 2013

Casey’s Float Line Fish Score

ElliotTrophyFullIf there’s one thing that we know, being members of the Oilfield Camo Nation, it’s that work almost always comes before recreation. Luckily, those hard days at the job make the time spent away all the better. We got a chance to hear about Elliot and his buddies’ chance to get away from the work world and spend some time deep in the Atchafalaya Basin.

Elliot, along with his friends Casey and Bron got the opportunity to head out to the houseboat, deep in the Atchafalaya Basin. For those not from the area, the Atchafalaya Basin is one of those areas untouched by the world around it. Bears, deer, bobcats, and many other prized game call the basin home.

While out for the weekend, Elliot and the crew decided to set out the catfish float lines. For as long as they’ve been here, the Cajuns who have called this area home have utilized these lines while living off the land. Letting them sit out over night, Elliot and the guys headed out early to check and see what they had snagged. After sorting through a couple of lines, catching only a couple of non-keepers, Elliot came up on one of their final lines. It was a good sign to feel some fight against the line when he reached into the muddy waters of the basin. With nothing but his bare hands and the line attached to the fighter at the other end, Elliot pulled in this HUGE catfish… definitely a keeper!

Even though the Cajuns have come a long way from having to live off the land for survival, we in Southwest Louisiana enjoy heading out and reliving our roots. This is as good an example as any of them. Congrats, Elliot, and thanks for the great shots! KEEP DRILLING!!! ElliotGroup

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