Our son is currently receiving services from Autism Partnership (http://www.autismpartnership.com/) in Seal Beach and will continue to provide behavioral support when ?we move back to Kuwait at the end of summer 2013. We are looking for someone who will be dedicated to learning and implementing ABA strategies and works well with young children. Experience with ABA is not necessary since training ?will be provided by Autism Partnership. Supervisors will fly in on a monthly basis to provide any support and help you may need with the strategies provided. You will only be working on weekdays (approx. 25 hours/week) and will have an amazing opportunity to not only be trained by the best but to also make a difference in a child's life!?
Please contact me if you have any questions or are interested in this amazing experience!
Posting ID: 3659800393Posted: 2013-03-04, 10:36PM PSTEdited: 2013-03-04, 10:36PM PSTemail to a friend
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