Saturday, December 1, 2012

Rolfstad Named Economic Developer of the Year

Posted on 11/1/2012

Gov. Jack Dalrymple today named Tom Rolfstad, executive director for Williston Economic Development, the 2012 Governor's Choice for Economic Developer of the Year. Dalrymple presented Rolfstad with the award during a luncheon held in conjunction with the Economic Development Association of North Dakota's (EDND) fall conference in Bismarck.

Before presenting the award, the Governor addressed the economic developers in attendance and recognized them for their hard work and leadership at the local level to advance economic development efforts in large and small communities across the state. He highlighted the state's economic success and emphasized the importance of ongoing economic development and further diversification.

"North Dakota's economic developers are on the front lines of our state's growth and success, identifying opportunities for their communities and creating jobs and an enhanced quality of life for their people," Dalrymple said. "Tom exemplifies that vision and innovation, and has done an outstanding job growing and diversifying Williston's local economy and responding to the region's fast-paced growth."

Joining Dalrymple for the award presentation were EDND President John Phillips and Economic Development and Finance Division Director Paul Lucy. The award is sponsored by EDND and the North Dakota Department of Commerce.

"Tom continues to look for other areas outside of oil production and extraction to grow economic wealth and diversify in the Williston area," Lucy said. "He has played a key role in solving growth issues in his community and the northwest region."

The North Dakota Department of Commerce works to improve the quality of life for North Dakota citizens by leading efforts to attract, retain and expand wealth. Commerce serves businesses and communities statewide through committed people and partners who offer valuable programs and dynamic services.

EDND works to increase economic opportunities for residents of the state by supporting primary sector growth, professionalism among economic development practitioners, and cooperation among development organizations.

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