Monday, November 19, 2012

Oilfield Desilter

Detailed InfoDesilter detailsDesilter is for the third phase drilling liquid purification. It removes solid particles ranging from 15 to 47 microns, which consists more than 60% of the total solid content. When drill through the soft stratum the shaker removes only bigger particles, the desilter is needed to eliminate the small ones. When drilling through hard layers, the drilling rate will slow down thus produces tiny drilling fillings. In this case, the desilter is also needed. The hydrodynamic cyclones of desilter are made of wear resistant materials. It is reliable, effective and serves long. The content of sand after the desilter is controlled below 0.15%.Built on API RP 13C, with the certificate of authority to use the official API monogram.

Posted byxu shirleyat6:00 PM

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