email this posting to a friendlos angeles craigslist > SF valley > jobs > skilled trades/artisan jobs Avoid scams and fraud by dealing locally! Beware any deal involving Western Union, Moneygram, wire transfer, cashier check, money order, shipping, escrow, or any promise of transaction protection/certification/guarantee More info Reply to:[?] Moving & Storage Company needs an Experienced Diesel Mechanic to diagnose and repair heavy-duty trucks and trailers under minimal supervision. Repairs will include Preventative Maintenance. Correct vehicle deficiencies by removing, repairing, adjusting, overhauling, assembling, disassembling, and replacing major assemblies, sub-assemblies, components, parts, or systems, such as, power and drive trains and and other duties as assigned. Maintenance of additional equipment would include autos/trucks, forklifts and pallet jacks. Day Shift. Salary : negotiable
Interested candidates should include everything they want us to read in the body of their initial email. Cover note, contact information including Email Address and Phone Number.
Thank you Location: PacoimaPrincipals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.Please, no phone calls about this job!Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.PostingID:3552307514
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